Do blog de um um sujeito chamado John Robb:
There are three ways to build a hot weblog.
To be a connection machine (people with huge blogrolls and/or RSS lists that point to other weblogs — they do add their two cents and sometimes their thinking).
To be a name dropper (people that imply they understand what is really going on — and you don’t — given their personal connections that they constantly let you know about).
To be an ideologue (people that support a single cause with unquestioned faith).
Here are the ways to build a second tier (but still popular) weblog:
To be a thinker (people that delve into topics with intelligence and/or wit).
To be a topic owner (people that own a topic and report on it with unquestioned knowledge and depth).
To be a voice of outrage/affirmation (people that critique others as often as they can or are on the bandwagon).
To be a cool hunter (people that find the newest of the new or the strangest of the strange).
Curioso. Como são curiosas estas notas, do blog de Terry Teachout:
1. It’s almost impossible to explain what a blog is to someone who’s never seen one. That’s the mark of a true innovation.
2. I know very few people over fifty, and scarcely any over sixty, who “get” blogging.
3. Blogs without links aren’t blogs. Blogs without blogrolls aren’t blogs. Blogs without mailboxes aren’t blogs.
4. The blogosphere is a pure market — but one in which no money changes hands. If you can afford the bandwidth and your ego is strong enough, it doesn’t matter whether anybody wants to read what you have to say. But the more you care about how many people are reading your blog, the more your blogging will be shaped by their approval, whether you get paid or not.
5. Politicians and celebrities rarely make good bloggers. They’re not interested enough in what other people are thinking.
6. Blogging puts professionals and amateurs on an even footing. That’s why so many professional writers dislike and distrust it.
7. The whole point of a blog is that its author controls its content. That’s why no major newspaper will ever be successful at running in-house blogs: the editors won’t allow it. The smart ones will encourage their best writers to blog on their own time-and at their own risk. The dumb ones will refuse to let any of their writers blog, on or off the job.
8. For now, blogs presuppose the existence of the print media. That will probably always be the case-but over time, the print media will become increasingly less important to the blogosphere.
9. Within a decade, blogs will replace op-ed pages.
10. Blogs will be to the 21st century what little magazines were to the 20th century. Their influence will be disproportionate to their circulation.
11. Blogs are what online magazines were supposed to be.
12. Art blogging will never be as popular as war blogging. More people care about politics than the arts.
13. Blogging is inherently undemocratic in one important way: it privileges literacy. Like e-mail, it is dividing the world into two unequal classes: people who feel comfortable expressing themselves through the written word and people who don’t.
14. If you want to be noticed, you have to blog every day.
15. An impersonal blog is a contradiction in terms.
Algumas considerações:
1 – realmente explicar o que é um blog é algo meio difícil. Era mais fácil quando a maioria tinha um caráter de diário virtual, mas hj em dia essa “generalização” não é mais possível. Talvez mais difícil que isso, só mesmo explicar o que é RPG para alguém que nunca jogou… mas isso já é outra história
2 – Rafael, se vc entrar de cabeça na idéia de acabar com todos os índios do Brasil, poderá cair na categoria “ideologue”, hein? 🙂